ITOURDEMInternational tourism and destination management
Local de estudo | Itália, Macerata |
Área académica | Social and behavioural sciences (ISCED 031) |
Tipo | Master, tempo inteiro |
Duração nominal | 2 anos (120 ECTS) |
Idioma de estudo | inglês |
Atribuições | ITOURDEM (Master's Degree in International Tourism and Destination Management (Classe LM-49)) |
Propina | 611 € por ano At the University of Macerata, the maximum amount of fees for a full-time enrolment in the current academic year is EUR 1.600,00 (a.y. 2022/2023).
= OECD= Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development; further information here: For further details on this reduction, consult this webpage: For information on the payment deadlines and modalities, visit: |
Qualificação para entrada | Diploma de licenciatura (ou superior) Please consult attentively the specific entry requirements for the study programme “ITourDeM” at this webpage. NOTICE
Please consult attentively the specific entry requirements for the study programme “ITourDeM” at this webpage. Os documentos de qualificação de entrada são aceites nas seguintes línguas: inglês / italiano. Only for the purpose of the preliminary evaluation: if your entry qualification documents are not in English or Italian, you must provide English or Italian translations: at this stage, you can produce unofficial translations. For the purpose of the final enrollment, the needed documents must be submitted with an official translation in Italian. The official Italian translation must be attached to any document submitted in a foreign language. Such translation may be produced in your country or in Italy by local courthouses or by official or courthouse translators. Translations must then be certified by the relevant Italian Consulate, unless there are special agreements to the contrary. If your certificates are in English and the course of your choice is delivered in English, you do not have to provide certificates translated into Italian. Further details are specified within the Admission and enrollment procedures section of the UniMC website. Deve levar consigo os documentos originais de qualificação de entrada quando finalmente for para a universidade. |
Requisitos linguísticos | inglês English proficiency
Those who possess a level of English which is lower than B2, or those who does not possess any language certificate, must participate to an interview according to what has been established in the Regulations of the Course of Study. For details, please consult attentively the paragraph Language skills at this webpage Italian language proficiency |
Outros requisitos | Pelo menos 2 referência(s) tem(êm) ser fornecida(s). Deve ser adicionada uma carta de motivação à sua candidatura. Within the motivation letter, candidates must specify:
The motivation letter must be original (plagiarism will affect the evaluation), concise and effective. Requisitos específicos para candidatos não pertencentes à UE: Pre-enrollment on UNIVERSITALY for a study visa application Within the UNIVERSITALY portal, detailed information to complete properly and effectively the pre-enrollment application is provided. The subsequent step of visa application must be processed and finalised at the relevant Italian Diplomatic authority.
Mais informações | |
Visão geral
Offered by the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism of the University of Macerata, the master degree programme in International Tourism and Destination Management – ITourDeM at the University of Macerata is a two-year postgraduate degree which is equivalent to an M.A./M.Sc.
It aims to prepare managers and professionals able to tackle the global challenges of present tourism, being key-players of sustainable development, and cultural heritage promoters.
ITourDeM focuses on a professional figure with theoretical and practical skills, stresses on socio-economical methodologies as well as on historical and geographical knowledge. This professional figure has competences in designing and implementing advanced tourism operational infrastructures, in building and managing tourist destinations through the sustainable enhancement of natural and cultural resources, in developing natural and landscape tourism projects, in qualifying a tourism approach to environment and food goods.
Estrutura do programa
The MA in International Tourism and Destination Management – ITourDeM is taught entirely in English.
- Degree class: LM-49 – Second cycle degree in Design and Management of Tourist Systems
- Duration in years: 2
- Credits: 120 CFU
Further details at this webpage
Oportunidades de carreira
The ITourDeM Master’s degree offers vocational education for professionals in receptive tourism and hotel management companies, high responsibility positions in enterprises designing, planning and marketing travel and tourism connected products, in cooperatives and consortia of integrated tourism. Other career positions deal with the organization of cultural events and exhibitions, the management of services to the public, government, public and private institutions, in the fields of tourism, culture, environment, heritage and local development.
Key professional skills:
- Strategic planning;
- Analysis processes and accounting abilities;
- Communication;
- Management and organization.
Further details at this webpage
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