Authentic Italian Experience | 3rd edition a.y. 2022/2023

Photo illustrating the news item

An introductory online course of Italian language and culture offered by the University of Macerata in summer 2022

Authentic Italian Experience
An introductory online course offered by the University of Macerata in summer 2022

The University of Macerata, one of the oldest in Europe, is providing its prospective international students with an unmissable chance to know more about Italian language and culture.

This is a free 20-hour online course that will give you a glimpse of this vibrant and lively country.

Why study Italian?
Because studying in the “belpaese” means knowing a little of its musical language, because Italian is fun and actually not that hard, because everybody loves Italy.
By means of cultural topics that can be interesting and compelling for the learners, our professor Francesco Nati will take you on a short but exciting ride that will teach you how to get by in everyday situations.
No technical explanations, no grammar drills, just something light and easy to remember!

The course will touch the following topics:
1. Famous Italian products and people; greetings in Italian
2. Some information about Italy and Macerata
3. Different venues, coffee culture, famous Italian dishes
4. Buying grocery and doing simple cooking
5. Daily life and habits in Italy
6. Finding your way at university
7. Finding your way in town
8. Houses and living in Italy, finding accommodation
9. Shopping for clothes and shoes
10. Talking about work

The course will be taught in English and will be divided in ten 2-hour live-streaming classes, which will be held online (you will need a webcam and a microphone) and are scheduled as follows:

11-22 July 2022, Monday-Friday from 3 pm to 5 pm (CEST)

Further details will be shared soon before the beginning of the course. For updates, visit:

See you soon! Ciao!
